Mythic Warriors Wiki
Prometheus And Pandora's Box





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Prometheus and Pandora's Box is the tenth episode of the first season


The young gods Prometheus and Epimetheus are sent by Zeus to endow Earth with some new creatures. While Epimetheus uses his godly powers to create "birds" and "horses", Prometheus stumbles upon primitive man. Seeing these intelligent beings toiling against the harsh environment, Prometheus decides to give them the gift of fire so that they can create a great civilization. When Zeus refuses Prometheus' request to give fire, Prometheus disobeys, steals fire from the gods and gives it to man. Using the fire, man begins to flourish. But Zeus finds out that Prometheus disobeyed him and chains the young god to a cliff leaving eagles to peck at his body. Then, to punish man, Zeus creates Pandora and gives her a box that she is never to open. Hearing voices calling to her from inside the box, Pandora is overcome with curiosity and opens it, unleashing all the ills of mankind upon civilization. But just when it looks like Zeus has proven that man is not deserving of the gifts of gods, a despairing Pandora discovers one last "tiny voice" emanating from inside the box, claiming to be "hope". Pandora conquers her fear and releases "hope" from the box, and "hope" fills the hearts of man so that they can conquer all the "ills" that Pandora had released before. Seeing Pandora's selfless act, Zeus realizes that mortal man is deserving after all and mutated Prometheus by Overlord turn into horrible Monsters from his chains. A monster, six Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Head, 100 Leviathan’s eyes, and tentacle-like legs, Dragon’s tail. He also loses his ability to speak and begins braying and kicking wildly rampage. He destroys the civilization with his poisonous breather and bashed eagles, while kicking his clothes off, leaving him naked (but because he is a donkey he does not seem to care very much), and then flees the scene braying in terror.





  • Evil Spirits


